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Reaction Time

Regardless of what sport an athlete competes in, the ability of his senses to take in the environment, relay it to his brain, and his brain to send the impulse to the correct muscles for action makes the difference for reacting to a pass on time, stopping a ground ball, exploding out of the blocks, ducking a punch, or volleying a passing shot. The champions in the major sports are those athletes whose neuromuscular responses are conditioned to react with the least delay to the relevant stimuli.

It is important to distinguish between an athlete’s reactive ability and reaction time. Reactive ability is an important characteristic of power, which can be improved through explosive training techniques. In contrast, reaction time must be trained using specific visual and auditory techniques. For example, an elite 100m sprinter's auditory reaction time is typically 0.12 to 0.18 s, and a strong start can make the difference between winning a race and just placing somewhere in the pack. A tennis player needs both excellent visual and auditory reaction to have a great first step towards the ball.

BMTs’ technology speeds voluntary reflexes by increasing nerve conduction velocity, which can double or triple reflex speed. EMG machines provide objective measurements of improvements in nerve conduction velocities. Tools such as electronic reaction time boards and reaction balls are some of the general tools we utilize, as well as our own proprietary devices designed to be specific to the visual cues and muscle responses that are encountered during a specific sport.

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